
A First for B2B Payments From Masterpass and Coca-Cola Icecek


- How does Coca-Cola İçecek B2B payment with Masterpass work? Coca-Cola İçecek sales representatives can receive orders from the points they visit through mobile applications they use to receive the current order during a customer visit. At the time of receiving the orders, the payment process can be completed by the customers confirming the password from the bank of the credit / debit card registered to Masterpass. The removal of the collection process in the delivery of the product also avoids the processes that create additional cost for the manufacturers, such as the necessity of revisiting the same point in case of not being able to find anyone in charge, while contributing to more sales and profitability thanks to the time gained. What's in it for whom? Masterpass B2B application reduces the cost of cash and the risk of cash loss, while the settlement process in payments provides automation. Because when you do business with cash, there is always a security risk as cash is not financially recorded and the transaction tracking is always harder for each party. However, card payments are always guaranteed. By using this application, delivery and the payment processes are completed simultaneously so the representatives do not need to stop by their customers over and over (such as grocery, super market, etc) for reconciliation or collection. This the efficiency in field operations. Moreover, as the sales representatives do not need POS devices and all their operations can be connected through their connectable devices, the cost of possession the POS device reduces and provides efficiency in operations. Contact: Ayşegül Sakıcı,   Logo -  Logo -