
XBT Holding Announces 2016 Year-End Results

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- XBT Holding SA., a global hosting and network solutions provider, has announced its 2016 year-end results, showing a 28 percent increase in revenue as a result of gaining new customers and increased its geographical reach.      (Logo: http://mma.prnewswire.com/media/545801/XBT_Holding_Logo.jpg ) EBITDA margin grew 3 percent year-on-year to reach 41 percent. This growth was driven by cost-efficient operations. XBT Holding's customers increased to 22532 during 2016. Further details of XBT Holding's 2016 performance are presented below: 2016 2015 EBITDA Margin 41% 38% Revenue Increase 28% 11% Debt to Equity Ratio 0.32x 0.44x "Last year was substantial growth for our company," said Rajesh Kumar Mishra, Chief Financial Officer, XBT Holding. "We grew rapidly by establishing a solid presence in new expanding vertical markets i.e. Servers.com - a fast emerging hosting company that is already serving a number of worldwide known customers. One of its well-established customers is a breakthrough mobile app Prisma AI that uses deep learning algorithms to turn photos into stylized artworks, from the day of its launch. "Servers.com is a fully automated hosting platform with such key products as cloud and dedicated servers, cloud storage, GPU servers, and with the greatest feature - Free Global Private Network that connects all the Servers.com data centers. This helps us provide value added hosting and network services to more customers worldwide." Furthermore, improved performance in XBT Holding's Debt to Equity Ratio from 0.44x in 2015 to 0.32x in 2016 leads the company in a beneficial position to be able to sustain its growth while continuing to reward its investors. Auditor KMPG noted: "The Group manages its capital to ensure that it will be able to continue as a going concern while interesting the return to the investors through the strive to improve the debt to equity ratio. The Group's overall strategy remains unchanged from last year." XBT Holding S.A. is a privately-owned global hosting, network solutions and web development provider founded in 2005, with offices in nine countries. Contacts: For investors:Rajesh Kumar Mishra, Chief Financial [email protected] press:[email protected]+357-25-345346

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