Institutional and political crises of Brazil and Latin American integration heat up debates at COMANDATUBA FORUM
- SAO PAULO, April 22, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Last Sunday, April 19, the 14th FORUM DE COMANDATUBA [Comandatuba Forum] took place, organized by LIDE – Grupo de Lideres Empresariais [Group of Business Leaders]. At the 2015 gathering, the 700 participants debated The role of leaders in economic and social development in Latin America, and Measures to combat the institutional and political crisis in Brazil. Former President Fernando Henrique Cardoso (FHC) stated in his talk that "we want more and not less democracy; more integration and more freedom to live better." Colombian former President, Alvaro Uribe, who was unable to attend the Forum, said in a message that Latin America has a number of opportunities and faces great challenges, and that Brazil has a lot of potential to overcome them. Jorge Quiroga, former President of Bolivia, stated that we must confront the challenges involved in regional integration, and Brazil has a central role to play. For Vicente Fox, former President of Mexico, two pillars are essential to the exercise of democracy: purpose and performance. In the evaluation of Luis Alberto Lacalle, former President of Uruguay, governing is not finding easy solutions. "Debate, a diversity of opinions, a search for solutions and a positive agenda can help us to find ways out of the difficulties Brazil is going through," said Joao Doria Jr., President of LIDE. Eduardo Cunha, President of Brazil's Chamber of Deputies, noted that 1% of GDP was lost as a consequence of the Petrobras scandal. "Corruption is devastating; it corrodes and paralyzes the economy. But of one thing we can be sure: corruption will not enjoy impunity, there isn't the slightest possibility of that." The Forum featured the involvement of major brands: sponsorship by AMIL and support by GOCIL. Special participation by ACCENTURE, ATHIE WOHNRATH, BANCO ALFA, BASF, CINE, NATURA, REDE RECORD, SOUZA CRUZ and SAMSUNG, with participation by 3M, AVIS, BMW, JBS and PPG. The event had the collaboration of AMERICAN EXPRESS, AIR LIQUIDE, AVENTURA ENTRETENIMENTO, BANCO ITAU, BODYTECH, CBF, EMS, GRUPO MARTINS, ODONTOPREV, PENALTY, PEPSICO, MARINGA, TAKEDA, TETRA PAK, VALE PRESENTE, WHIRLPOOL and ZURICH. Official suppliers were AGAXTUR REGENT, CDN, CHANDON, COOXUPE, ECCAPLAN, FORMAG'S, GRUPO COMPANHIA, GRUPO PETROPOLIS, KELLOG'S, MISTRAL, PEPSICO and VINCI, RODOBENS COMUNICATION EMPRESARIAL and UPS. EDITORA TRES, ESTADAO, radio stations BAND AM, BAND NEWS FM and JOVEM PAN, the newspaper PROPAGANDA & MARKETING, the magazine FORUM & NEGOCIOS, PR NEWSWIRE, TV CULTURA, TV LIDE and VB COMUNICACAO are media partners. 3M, CASA LEAO, DOLCE & GABBANA, NIELSEN, PPG, SILVIA FURMANOVICH, TAKEDA and SAMSUNG had exclusive spaces at the VILLA FORUM. Contact: Fernanda SpagnuoloPhone: (55-11) 3039-6067/e-mail: [email protected]